Dropship Breakthru Course Review – Pros & Cons! (2024)


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I’ve been very critical of high-ticket dropshipping courses in the past. From my experience, the majority of high-ticket courses are underwhelming, especially for the price. They often exclude vital parts of the business and brush over important steps which often leaves you with more questions.

You can read my criticisms of other high-ticket dropshipping courses here. I also you suggest you read my article on High-ticket Dropshipping Risks before you purchase a course and potentially waste your money.

I aim to be as unbiased as possible in this review, sharing both the positives and negatives of the course, so you can decide if it’s worth the investment.

Here’s a quick spoiler: Dropship Breakthru ranks as one of the better dropshipping courses available. Yet, if I were just starting in dropshipping, I would NOT purchase this course. My view is that high ticket dropshipping is getting tougher to crack, and spending $2,497 on such a model doesn’t seem like a wise investment for me personally.

Whilst this is one of the better courses available, I’ll explain the 5 reasons why I would not buy this course in the conclusion.

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What is Dropship Breakthru?

Dropship Breakthru is a high ticket dropshipping course created by two guys, Jon Waren and Ben Knegendorf. Both have had success themselves building high-ticket dropshipping courses as well as other online businesses.

Dropship Breakthru is different from most dropshipping courses as the course is not focused on low-ticket, impulse-buy products and does not source from AliExpress/Alibaba or ship from China at all.

Instead, it focuses on dropshipping high-ticket products (Usually over $1,000) sourced from domestic suppliers. This business model works because it enables merchants to sell high-quality branded goods with fast local shipping as opposed to the low-ticket dropshipping model.

The course is a step-by-step tutorial for beginners looking to create their own dropshipping business. It is broken up into four main sections with the “build phase” and the “grow phase” making up the majority of the course.

It was designed this way to allow drop shippers who already have an established high-ticket dropshipping business to skip directly to the “grow phase”. This is important as growing your business is often the most confusing and neglected part of the high-ticket business model.

Dropship Breakthru Price

The full Dropship Breakthru course costs $2,997 or $2,497 if you watch the webinar for lifetime access. They also offer a 30 day launch program to get your business started for $697 with the option to upgrade to the entire course after the launch program has ended.

Then like most online courses, there’s the upsell. If you decide to purchase Dropship Breakthru, you’ll have the option to upgrade to the Elite Membership for $97/month with the first month costing $1. This is added to your cart by default so be sure to remove it if you don’t want it.

The Elite Membership includes group coaching program access, priority support slack access and elite members only podcast.

For the full Dropship Breakthru course you’ll receive;

  • Dropship Breakthru Build Phase which is a step-by-step guide to acquiring your suppliers and building your store before launching.
  • Dropship Breakthru Grow Phase which is a marketing strategy to help scale your business.
  • Free Shopify theme
  • Private community access
  • Market verification service where they’ll confirm whether you’re on the right track with your niche.

Almost $2,500 is expensive for a dropshipping course, it’s only worthwhile for those deeply committed to dropshipping, who understand the risks involved and who are at ease with spending this amount.

Is Dropship Breakthru a Good High-Ticket Dropshipping Course?

Now the most critical part, is the actual course any good? Whilst Dropship Breakthru is not perfect, it is a comprehensive dropshipping course. As it should be for the price.

The course is broken up into two main sections, the Build Phase and the Grow Phase. As well as two additional sections; Know Your Number and Sell Your Own Branded Products.

The entire course consists of over 300 video lessons which can seem a little daunting and overwhelming, however, the lessons are broken up into multiple modules.

The Grow Phase

The “grow phase” is broken up into 6 modules, each with multiple lessons;

ModuleWhat’s in the Module
WelcomeIncludes lessons such as; mindset, laws, taxes, and banking as well as, where you will be doing business.
Finding your MarketThe entire process of choosing the right market based on the country you do business and your goals.
Building your WebsiteA step-by-step guide to building your store using Shopify.
Securing your SuppliersHow to call and secure high-ticket suppliers with phone scripts.
Launch your BusinessAll the necessary steps when launching your business with a complete checklist.
Running your BusinessVarious common questions on the day-to-day management of running a high-ticket dropshipping business.
Dropship Breakthru Grow Phase

These lessons are informative and easy to understand. Watching each of the lessons in the “grow phase” is essential as it will make life easier down the track in your business.

It can be difficult to build a profitable dropshipping business if you’re not targeting the right market or you haven’t secured the best suppliers. I have a list of 60 high-ticket dropshipping suppliers if you need some assistance sourcing suppliers.

With the course module on finding the right market, I was happy the course included that the search volume required for a viable niche will differ depending on the country you reside. Many other high-ticket dropshipping courses did not make this clear which is very misleading for beginners.

The demand for a specific niche may be viable in the US, but the same niche may not be viable in New Zealand for example. They also offer a market verification service to help validate whether your niche is viable in your country.

The Build Phase

The “build phase” consists of 12 modules, each with multiple lessons;

ModuleWhat’s in the Module
High-Ticket Marketing IntroductionThe basics and what is required for marketing a high-ticket dropshipping store.
Setting up for SuccessLessons on the best ways you can set yourself up to succeed with your business.
Conversion Rate OptimizationHow you can optimize your store for optimal conversion rate by split testing, compelling offers and implementing reviews.
Content MarketingCreating content people are searching for that provides value and drives traffic to your store.
SEOLessons and tools you can use to help you rank in Google search results for free organic traffic.
Building BacklinksCreating funnels to assist you in converting more customers into buyers.
Customer Multiplier FunnelsCreating funnels to assist you to convert more customers into buyers.
RetargetingHow you can retarget customers who have already shown interest in your products.
Email MarketingA guide on how to use email marketing to build a loyal customer base.
Affiliates & the Dream 100How you can use affiliate marketing to work with people who already have a customer base within your niche.
Google AdsA complete step-by-step guide on using Google ads for marketing your products effectively.
Write Copy that SellsHow you can write unique and persuasive product descriptions that actually convert.
Dropship Breakthru Build Phase

One of the most difficult parts for dropshipping beginners is what to do once your store is up and running. Building a store is futile if you can’t drive traffic and make sales.

In this module, Jon focused on providing a large variety of content that will help stores succeed in the long term. From ranking in Google SERPs to copywriting and email marketing.

The only part of the course I would have liked to see more content on is social media. There is limited information on building a community of like-minded people within your niche on various social media platforms.

Whilst I understand social media is not part of the marketing strategy for the Dropship Breakthru course, it can be beneficial for specific niches, branding and SEO.

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Is Dropship Breakthru Better than Dropship Lifestyle?

Dropship Lifestyle is the most well-known high-ticket dropshipping course so it, therefore, is the most obvious comparison to Dropship Breakthru.

Both courses work on the same business model which is dropshipping high-ticket products from domestic suppliers predominantly using Google ads.

Dropship Breakthru is a more expensive course if you opt for the full course after sitting through the webinar but Dropship Lifestyle has a done for you package which are around 10k.

To be clear right away, I do not like the deceptive sales tactics Dropship Lifestyle uses to persuade you to purchase their course. The entire webinar is designed to give you the impression it’s a live event with a ton of people watching when it is all a lie! It’s a recording and the people watching are fake.

For me, this is an instant deal breaker. If someone is trying to deceive me and put on a fake show to convince me to buy their product, I can’t trust them which means I won’t buy anything from them. I was relieved Dropship Breakthru does not do this.

Apart from the sales tactics used to convince you to buy, which actual course is better?

Dropship Beakthru covers each aspect of the business in more detail from setting up your store, sourcing and onboarding suppliers, to advertising and content marketing therefore your store is set up for long-term success.

If I were to compare the teachings, I thought Anton Kraly and Jon Warren were both clear and concise and I have no complaints about their communication skills. They are effective speakers and their lessons were straightforward and easy to follow.

Jon Warren does the vast majority of the teaching throughout the Dropship Breakthru course. His partner Ben only taught a handful of the videos and another instructor, Isaac taught the financial management videos.

Anton also does most of the teachings but several lessons including Google ads and creating your Shopify store are taught by others.

Overall, if you can comfortably afford the asking price of almost $2,500, I believe Dropship Breakthru is a better course than Dropship Lifestyle but it will also cost you more.

I have a complete Dropship Lifestyle review here if you want a more in-depth analysis.

What I Like About Dropship Breakthru

The best selling point of Dropship Breakthru is how comprehensive the actual course itself is. I was curious how in-depth some of the modules would be and they covered them thoroughly and I learned several things myself.

Personally, I was happy Jon Warren taught 90% of the course. He explains how to perform each step in detail and appears to be knowledgeable of the business model and importantly he does not ramble (One of my peeves).

I also like the fact that Dropship Breakthru is honest about high-ticket dropshipping not being a viable business model in some countries. I’ve heard other courses claim their business model can succeed in any country, which is a lie. There are videos within this course of how you can dropship in the USA whilst residing in a country where dropshipping is unsustainable.

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What I Don’t Like About Dropship Breakthru

The first con is the price, almost $2,500 USD is a large investment for a business that is difficult to succeed with, especially long term. I understand there is a lot of content within the course but I feel as though $500 is a more reasonable price.

The next gripe I have is how they criticize lower-ticket dropshipping to make it appear as if high-ticket dropshipping is the only real route to long-term success. Whilst dropshipping AliExpress products is not ideal and may be unsustainable in the long term, successful people dropshipping from China only use AliExpress to test products in the short term.

These stores then transition into buying quality products in bulk from China, building a brand and using local fulfillment centers for fast shipping. So it’s a little misleading to say high-ticket dropshipping is superior because of the product quality and fast shipping. AliExpress is simply a step in the process and there are tons of successful online merchants effectively using it for this purpose.

Another thing to be aware of is I sent several emails to Dropship Breakthru which were either ignored or responded to weeks later. I am not claiming that everyone will receive this kind of support but this is my personal experience.


  • Double Down Guarantee!
  • A lot of videos
  • Coaching calls.
  • Better value for money than Dropship Lifestyle
  • Lessons are comprehensive


  • The webinar is a little salesy in parts
  • Limited information on creating a social media presence. (If this is important to you)
  • The price will be out of many people’s budget
  • Support – I found most of my emails were ignored

Conclusion – Why I Would Not Buy Dropship Breakthru!

My decision not to purchase this course is not a reflection of the course’s quality but rather stems from my perspective on high-ticket dropshipping as an increasingly challenging business model. In light of these difficulties, investing $1,997 appears to me as not being a prudent financial decision.

Whilst there are many reasons why I would be apprehensive to buy this course, below are the 5 main reasons.

1. Competition

The image below illustrates a notable rise in search interest for high-ticket dropshipping since 2017, as evidenced by Google Trends data. While this increase indicates heightened research into the business model rather than direct competition, it’s an aspect that deserves careful consideration.

2. Securing Suppliers

Securing suppliers is one of the most challenging aspects of this business model. No matter how persuasive you are, most of the top-tier suppliers you want to work with will reject you.

These suppliers distribute high-quality brands and often only want to partner with reputable businesses that provide a premium customer experience. Poor customer experiences reflect on their business and devalue their brands and dropshipping is not known for delivering ideal customer experiences.

So you should ask yourself, why would a supplier trust an unknown brand-new dropshipping business with their brand’s reputation?

3. Competing with Big Companies

One of the big advantages dropshipping businesses have had over brick-and-mortar stores is the fact that you are online only, meaning you can have a store with hundreds or thousands of products. A physical store can only stock what they can fit on their premises.

However, bigger well-known stores are now selling the same products as many dropshippers. Online these companies have their regular in-store products and are now stocking online-only or online-exclusive products.

They are essentially dropshipping the products they can’t fit in their store except they are most likely receiving much lower prices than you, lower shipping costs and they don’t need to pay for advertising. Good luck competing.

Online stores having online only products
Well-known stores selling the same products as dropshippers

4. Google Ads

As far as I am aware dropshipping is allowed on Google ads, however, there is always talk online that Google is cracking down on dropshipping stores advertising on their platform.

Whilst I think it’s unlikely they will completely ban dropshipping, Google will likely make it more difficult. From Google’s perspective, they don’t want their platform filled with an abundance of dropshippers who are selling the same products with identical images and descriptions, it reflects poorly on them.

Below is a separate dropshipping course review and is the kind of speculation around Google ads so it is something to be mindful of considering this is the main method of driving traffic taught in the Dropship Breakthru course.

Review of Dropship Lifestyle

5. Unsustainable

The dropshipping business model has many benefits but the one big drawback is the profit margins. You are buying products from your supplier individually instead of in bulk. This means you’re paying more for each product and often more in shipping.

Any other online store selling products within your niche will notice any success you’re having and simply purchase your products in bulk at wholesale rates and undercut you. As a dropshipping store, your biggest weakness is your profit margins and it’s natural other businesses will exploit it.

The other issue is as soon as you start finding any success with your store, other dropshippers will replicate your business model. They can find your suppliers, sell your products and even copy your ads.

If you’re looking for an alternative to Dropship Breakthru, V-Commerce Academy is comprehensive, the information is accurate, easy to follow, well taught and the price is reasonable with a low-cost monthly fee option.

I contacted the owner/s of V-Commerce Academy and asked if they have any discounts, luckily they said yes.

Click this link to check out V-Commerce and use the discount code DROPSHIP15 to receive a 15% discount on their lifetime access or their monthly option.

Please feel free to reach out to me and give me your opinion on Dropship Breakthru. I want to hear about your experience with this high-ticket course, good or bad. I am happy to update this article with feedback from my readers and to explore a better value alternative if it becomes available.

Dropship Breakthru Review

Dropship Breakthru is a high ticket dropshipping course that focuses on selling high priced products from domestic suppliers. It is one of the most profitable methods of making money online for entrepenuers.

Product Brand: Dropship Breakthru

Product Currency: USD

Product Price: 2497

Price Valid Until: 2024-12-31

Product In-Stock: InStock

Editor's Rating:

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