The 12 Best Branded Dropshipping Store Examples!


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There’s no doubt about it, branded dropshipping is the future of dropshipping! Creating a brand is key to the overall success of selling anything so why wouldn’t dropshippers implement the same in their own dropshipping store.

Branded dropshipping stores have grown in popularity in recent years and for good reason. Dropshipping has gained a negative reputation which is why it’s important to create a store that doesn’t appear like a dropshipping store. The best way to do this is by creating a brand!

What is a Branded Dropshipping Store?

Just to get this straight in case it’s not clear, a branded dropshipping store is not a store that sells other brand’s products, although you can also do that too. This type of branded dropshipping is based around a store creating its very own brand.

A branded dropshipping store is a store that sells a single product or category of products based around a specific identity making it easily recognizable. Dropshipping stores do this by creating a cohesive theme, logo, memorable business name, social media accounts and private labeling products.

Branded dropshipping stores are generally either one product or niche stores. This is because it’s easier to create a theme and a real community based around a specific product or group of products.

Creating a theme and a brand around your store is much more difficult with a general store as the products and target audience are so varied. Check out this article for a complete guide to branded dropshipping. It will answer many of the questions beginners face.

Why Should you Brand your Dropshipping Store?

Dropshipping has become very competitive since around 2019 and many of the same tactics that worked then won’t work now. Creating a basic Shopify store and using Oberlo to import a bunch of products from AliExpress and running Facebook ads just won’t cut it these days.

You may get lucky and make a few sales, however, any success you have will soon be copied by other dropshipping vultures ready to steal your profits. They’ll copy the product you’re selling, the look of your store, product descriptions, your offers and ads making your business overrun and unsustainable.

There are so many benefits to building a brand instead of just creating a typical dropshipping store:

  • Sets you apart from other stores selling the same types of products.
  • Builds credibility and trust among your target audience.
  • Enables you to build a real community of customers which will result in loyalty and repeat business.
  • You can create your store themed around your product or niche which gives the customer the impression you are the original creator of the product.
  • You can charge premium prices as the perceived value of your product will be higher.
  • Increases the chances that your store will be a long-term and sustainable business.
  • It makes your store more recognizable.
  • Creating a brand name and giving each product its own name makes consumer price checking difficult.

I hope you can see it’s worth taking the extra time when creating your dropshipping store. Theme your store so it matches your niche, design a professional logo, create unique content and open several social media platforms based around your niche. Putting in this extra work initially will pay for itself in the end.

Now the part you’ve been waiting for, the branded dropshipping store examples.

Final Straw

Final straw is a store selling environmentally friendly cutlery. Their main product is a reusable and collapsable straw. They have really put some work into this store and I bet it’s paying off big time.

They really push the environmentally friendly angle well but instead of making it all gloom and doom, they’ve made it funny. They’ve given their products cute and quirky names which are actually labeled on the products.

They’ve also made a great and funny video of the final straw. The video is of a mermaid talking about the straw and telling the viewers how bad regular plastic straws are for our oceans. Creating a video like this is exactly why they are successful and what makes them stand out from the crowd.

Home page for dropshipping store final straw.

Lettuce Grow

Lettuce grow is a great example of a store that I believe has all the elements of success. They have a unique product that solves a problem, their products are high ticket and they’ve got a professional website.

They have a large social media following on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. All the images of their products are beautiful and give the impression of a high-end product.

430k monthly searches to their store is incredible and 93% of that is from the US. 73% of their traffic comes from Facebook and 11% comes from Pinterest which will most likely be free organic traffic.

This store will most likely be around for several years to come.

Home page for eCommerce store Lettuce Grow


IKONICK is a store that sells various pieces of canvas artwork. They are a print on demand which basically is a form of dropshipping in which you work with a platform such as Printful or Printify and they print the artwork you want and they then ship the product directly to the consumer once a sale is made.

They have hundreds of prints and with the ability to just add more pieces by uploading more images, they can increase their inventory fast and easily. Their store and all the images of their prints look so classy and high end that it provides their products with such a high perceived value.

Their lowest priced prints are $90 so they are making high profit margins. Add to that they are receiving around 200k visits a month, it’s fair to say this store is making a killing.

Ecommerce store Ikonick home page.


Articture is a dropshipping furniture store that focuses on really unique furniture that you don’t see in most brick and mortar stores. They’ve branded this store to give it a real luxury feel from the custom images to the product descriptions to the font they use.

They receive over 300k monthly visits with an average price of over $200 which makes this a high ticket store. The prices are very high which is the advantage of branding the store in such a high end way.

Articture’s success lies in its beautiful imagery. The product descriptions are basic which is all they need to be as their images do all the selling for them.

Ecommerce store Articture home page

Crown and Paw

First of all, I have to say that I love this store. People love pets and are willing to spend a lot of money on them, however, the pet niche is very competitive at the moment but this store has found its own little unsaturated niche within the pet niche.

Crown and paw is a print on demand store selling customized funny products for pets on various household items. Huge marketplace with over 1700 variations of different images from the different catalog of products.

The website is themed really well, the images are adorable with the pets next to the products, they explain how to use the website easily and they have plenty of reviews to add social proof. They are receiving over 200k monthly visits and I’m sure that will increase dramatically closer to Christmas.

Home page of print on demand store Crown and Paw.

Halo Bottle

This is a great example of a very simple everyday product but branded in a way that gives it the perception that it’s somehow luxurious. This store sells lightweight vacuum-sealed water bottles in a variety of different colors.

This store has done about as good as they possibly could with this product. Their website looks cohesive and matches the product, the products are private labeled, each colored water bottle has unique names and they offer fast shipping which means they order in bulk and ship domestically.

If you’re looking at creating a branded dropshipping store based around a simple product, this store is a great example of how to do it.

Home page of branded Ecommerce store Halo Bottle.


Blendjet is the ultimate one-product branded store. Portable blenders were already a popular dropshipping store until someone decided to build a brand around the popular product. Blendjet has now completely taken over the market!

If you want to build your own branded store, Blendjet is the ideal website to use as a model for your store.

BlendJet home page with portable blenders in multiple colours.

Why is Blendjet Successful?

Blendjet is currently getting around 1.5 million visits to its website per month and a large percentage of which is organic traffic. Most of their paid traffic is coming from Facebook ads.

Cat Genie AI

This is the ideal dropshipping product as it is high ticket, it solves a huge problem in cat sh** and it’s aimed at a passionate and specific audience in cat lovers. Add to that it’s branded in a way to give that gives the consumer the impression they are the original creator of the product.

They have a large following on the main social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Youtube. They have created a real community around this product.

The website is not only a storefront, they have a blog around cat care, they have videos on how to use the cat genie and how to introduce your cat to the cat genie. They have made sure they are not losing any customers to uncertainty about their products.

Cat Genie example home page

Indestructible Shoes

This store is killing it! They are selling tough shoes built for any kind of hard outdoor activity. They are receiving over a million page views a month with most of that coming from Facebook ads.

This store has nailed one very important factor in a dropshipping store. They have created a dropshipping store that doesn’t appear like a dropshipping store. They appear like a company that has created a new type of indestructible shoe when really they are simply dropshipping.

They have a video talking about their range of shoes created by their research and development team which all add to the impression they are the creator of the shoe which builds trust. Is this ethical? It’s up to you to decide.

They’ve added a bunch of quality images of the products in use proving they do what they claim which is important. They’ve also given each shoe a tough name which all adds to their brand.

Indestructible shoes home page


Modelones is a store selling various nail products. By the look of their shipping times, they are most likely shipping from China.

They’ve branded their store in a way that feels very congruent with the products they are selling with bright and colorful imagery. They have private labeled their products which just adds to their brand and builds more trust and authority.

They’ve built a large social media following which is important with the target audience they have. They have Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

Dropshipping store Modelones home page

Warmly Decor

Similar to Articture, this dropshipping store sells unique furniture that is unlike what you’ll find in most retail stores. The uniqueness is what provides the wow factor which is essential to make them stand out.

One very interesting part of Warmly is they don’t use paid advertising but instead receive most of their traffic from Pinterest. This is a great choice as this provides free organic traffic which makes higher profits.

The whole store is so professional looking it feels more like you’re shopping at a high-end furniture store. The custom images look like they’ve been photographed by a professional which is what does all the selling for them.

Home page of dropshipping store Warmly Decor.

Notebook Therapy

This store has done a great job of building a brand around some everyday normal products. Notebook therapy sells notebooks, journals, bags and other stationery which goes against the typical dropshipping product criteria. Most dropshippers recommend selling problem solving products, passion based products and wow factor products that prove you can have success outside these products.

The store is themed perfectly with the color scheme, its logo and its simple and clean website. They have their logo printed on many of the products which gives the feeling they are the owner of the products.

Most of their social traffic comes from Facebook and the rest comes from a combination of Youtube, Pinterest and Instagram. They’re currently receiving over 400k monthly visits which is very impressive.

Branded Shopify store Notebook Therapy


As you can tell, these stores are successful because they have been able to create a brand. Can you imagine an unbranded dropshipping store and trying to sell straws, portable blenders, notebooks and water bottles? You’d go broke very quickly. People would go to eBay or Amazon and find the same product at a cheaper price.

It is important to go through the stores above to gain inspiration and ideas for your own store. There’s nothing wrong with stealing aspects of other successful stores and piecing them together to make your own unique store. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel, see what’s working and make it better.

If you need some more examples of dropshipping stores, check out this article by DoDropshipping, they have a large list of stores that may help you out.

You’ll find all the stores above are either one product or niche stores and I’d recommend you stick with one of these stores too. General stores are far more difficult to build a brand and is also the reason many General stores don’t have the same longevity as other store types.

About the author

2 responses to “The 12 Best Branded Dropshipping Store Examples!”

  1. Paul Avatar

    Hi Thomas

    I’ve just been going through some of the stores you’ve posted here, specifically Warmly Decor. According to Trust Pilot they’re experiencing extreme negative feedback from customers.

    So looking at that, it seems like it would be nearly impossible to recover from?

    Also, it highlights the downside of dropshipping from China, it’s a real turn off. I’ve been doing a lot of research lately about starting my own store in the home decor niche. Does this happen often with suppliers from China? Also, I can be skeptical sometimes when it comes to online review sites. I sometimes think negative reviews can suddenly pop up, almost out of nowhere & continue for some time. My question is: do you think that sometimes competitors in your niche can be responsible for negative reviews?

    I look forward to your response. By the way, thanks for all the information you take the time to post, it’s really informative!

    Kind regards

    1. Thomas Sleeth Avatar

      Hi Paul
      Personally, I wouldn’t trust any reviews on sites like Trust Pilot. Negative reviews are easy to fake and anyone business can purchase positive reviews in bulk from several websites.
      Dropshipping from China varies drastically. There are many factories in China who produce quality products, however, there are also many who produce garbage, knowing how to source suppliers is vital. Most AliExpress suppliers are middlemen sourcing the cheapest products possible which gives China dropshipping a bad name.
      I would suggest working with an agent based in China if you do decide to dropship home decor products from China. Whilst they will take a cut it’s well worth it for the benefit they can provide.
      Good luck with your dropshipping business.

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